parent nodes: Choe Sieben | GoldEagle | PlayerCharacters

Choe Sieben

• What is your character’s name? Choe Sieben (Echo VII)
• What is your character’s physical description? Well-built yet thin man with Dark Black Hair and golden green eyes.
• How old is your character? 22
• Are your parents alive? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die? "Parents" are alive and in Angel Grove. They are a scientist couple that worked on the project creating him.
• Who raised you? Dr. Alan Rigs and Dr. Lizabeth Rigs
• Do you have any siblings? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die? Yes, Unknown, other Echo Projects I - VI and VIII - XII
• Is your character married or in a serious relationship? No
• What is your character’s social class? Doesn't have one, Nomad
• How has their upbringing affected their world view? Moving a lot made him love seeing the world, he is inspired to see more of it.
• What is your character’s profession? Are they good at it? Journalist/Photographer for Traveling Website/Magazine, Former Cowboy
• Is your character religious? No
• How long has your character lived in Horizon Harbor? Less than a Year
• Has your character been arrested? What for? No
• Has your character served in the military? No
• Do you have any friends beyond your fellow rangers? No
• What is your character’s motivation/complications? To travel as much as the world as possible.
• How did your character learn or train their skills? Father taught him Karate for self-defense.
• What are your character’s life goals? To see the seven wonders of the world.
• If your character saw a crime, would they want to intervene? Yes
• Does your character know the other characters (make sure to ask them first)? No
• What’s one places you hang out at/go to/whatever in the city? Park
• Anything else you want to mention about your character? Feel free to use any of the Echo siblings as villains an or other escaped Cyborgs.